Day 12: Tuesday, March 14, 2017, #Lent Devotion

Day 12: Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Tylor Cavender
Is God a Sports Fan?
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Devotion: “We gave it our all tonight, and walked away with a victory. We want to thank God for this win.” I’ve heard countless post-game interviews that went something like this. Football players might catch the long pass for a first down and point to the sky. A baseball player might step up to the plate, make the sign of the cross, and then get ready to hit. God seems to be invested in the victories of innumerable athletes. But, is He really a sports fan? Does he care that the Patriots won another super bowl? Did he have a hand in Amanda Nunez’s knock out of Ronda Rousey during UFC 207?
The problem with these kinds of statements is that the focus is on the wrong thing. People are focused on themselves and on thanking God for doing things just for them. These statements can seem like someone is saying God is on their side but not their opponents. Similarly, their opponents probably didn’t lose because they are less Christian. What is it that God should be thanked for? It almost certainly isn’t for a win. An easy alteration to these shows of faith would be to thank God for giving us the ability to do these things. It might be a good idea to also ask God for guidance so that we can use the abilities he gave us to glorify him.
In 2011, the former Denver Broncos quarterback, Jake Plummer, criticized the then current Broncos quarterback, Tim Tebow, for always having his faith on display. Tim Tebow responded by saying that he does feel the need to say he loves Jesus all the time, and that he had no intentions to stop. Mike Sweeney, a baseball player who ended his career in 2010, said in an article with CNN, “Saint Francis of Assisi says preach the gospel at all times and, when necessary, use words. That’s something I’ve tried to live my whole life.” I think these are great examples of someone doing it the right way.
Aaron Shust sings a song called, “To God Alone.” The lyrics sum up the instructions Paul gave to the Corinthians. “To God alone be the glory- To God alone be the praise- Everything I say and do- Let it be all for You- The glory is Yours alone.” Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Prayer: Awesome God, help us to remember these words from Paul’s letter. Help us to remember that these words can still be useful today. Help us to live in a way that glorifies you. It is in Jesus’ name we pray, amen

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