Thursday, March 2, 2017, Lent Devotion

Day 2: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Carolyn Gautier
Scripture: 1 John 4:16. (NIV) And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them.
Devotion: Whenever the Lenten season is upon us I go back to my childhood. Like most of us, I grew up in a Christian home that followed a church calendar that observed Lent.
In my church it was popular to abstain from something during Lent. As children, my class mates and I would come up with some doozies. Eating vegetables topped the list. Also doing homework, bathing, wearing long pants in the snow.
I remember one friend, Gretchen, who wore shorts under her school uniform. Keep in mind this was in Chicago where this year on Feb. 23 it is 39 F. When asked by the teacher why she didn’t dress warmer she replied “Aim to be different, aim to be Christ-like”. This phrase was part of our religious education.
I thought Gretchen was brave and defiant, traits I still admire. It is difficult for a child to go against peer pressure and act differently.
I got home from school and mother asked me what I was giving up for Lent. Doing homework came to mind. Mom and I talked about this sacrifice (LOL) and she said I should reconsider. I went blank. My family only had soda during a flu epidemic. Candy and other treats were seldom in the house and had to be shared with siblings.
My mother then suggested don’t give up anything. Instead, add something that would please God. The list became so much easier. All this brings me to the above passage from John.
Listed at age 10
1. Love your siblings. Help with homework. Read a story
2. Love your teachers.
3. Love your friends.
4. Love people around the world. Give money to missions.
5. Love God.
6. Be kind.
Prayer: Dear God, Let us remember to love each other as you have loved us. Amen

One Response to “Thursday, March 2, 2017, Lent Devotion”

  1. Vada Rose says:

    Thank you for sharing this devotional with us Carolyn. I like the not giving something up, but adding something. God Bless.

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