Pumpkins, pumpkins pumpkins!

Yay, it is time for our annual Pumpkin Patch!
Volunteers are needed to help. 
Decorating: Sunday, September 27, after church.
Pumpkins Arrive: Saturday, October 3, in the morning. 
If you can help with unloading the pumpkins, please message us at office@fumctaylor.org, or show up.

F.D. Glenn Services

Franklin Delano (F.D.) Glenn
March 29, 1937 – August 9, 2020 

Friday, August 14, 2020
5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Condra Funeral Home
503 Talbot Street
Taylor, Texas 76574

Celebration of Life
Saturday, August 15, 2020
11:00 A.M. 
First United Methodist Church
907 West Lake Drive
Taylor, Texas 76574

Burial to follow immediately after church service
St. John’s Cemetery
Detmold, Texas

F.D. Glenn

Dearest First United Methodist Church Family,

It is with deepest sadness I inform you that our faithful and loving servant (my neighbor), F.D. Glenn, caught the train this morning at 11:20 a.m. and has returned to his heavenly home. F.D.’s Lord and Savior has summoned him home today, August 9, 2020.

Services are pending. I will inform you as soon as information is available. 

Let us give thanks to God for the life of F.D. and the time we were privileged to know him. We are grateful and blessed to have known F.D. and his faithfulness to his family, friends, community, and the church. 

Please keep Carol and family in your prayers. 

“When the storms of life are raging, stand by me. When the world is tossing me, like a ship upon the sea, thou who rules wind and water, stand by me.”

Surely, the gates of heaven has been open to our church these last couple of months. But we give thanks that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, stands by us during this storm. We give thanks to God for every breath that we take and the people who are around us. 

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. 

Peace and Love!
Rev. Sela Finau

Roy Rogers Services

Roy Cleo Rogers
October 7, 1936 – July 17, 2020

Here are the service arrangements for Roy:

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Providence Funeral Home
807 Carlos G Parker Blvd NW, Taylor, Texas 76574
Click here for the Obituary or see below.

Funeral Service
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
10:00 A.M.
Providence Funeral Home
807 Carlos G Parker Blvd NW, Taylor, Texas 76574

Burial Service
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Immediately following the Funeral Service
Taylor City Cemetery

Family Luncheon
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Immediately following the Burial Service 
Taylor Volunteer Fire Hall
701 Carlos G. Parker Blvd., Taylor, Texas 76574

Memorial gift in lieu of flowers may be made to First United Methodist Church of Taylor, Texas and Taylor Rotary Club. 

Please be in continued prayers for Roy’s family and friends. 

The church is providing the meal for the family luncheon. Marsha Beckermann is in charge of the food coordination. Please contact her or the church with any other information. Thank you for your help and support for our church family. 


U.S. Veteran  

Roy Cleo Rogers, age 83, of Taylor, Texas, passed away July 17, 2020. He was born in Poteet, Texas on October 7, 1936 to the late Louis Cleo and Bessie Mangum Rogers. Roy was raised in Poteet, Texas and graduated high school in 1955. He spent his younger years farming and working cattle in Atascosa, LaSalle and McMullen counties with his father, uncles and grandfather. He then went to college at Southwest Texas State, which is where he met the love of his life, Patricia (Busby) Rogers. He graduated college in 1959 and married Pat on November 14, 1959. He then joined the Army Reserve and began working for the Soil Conservation Service. His job led him to spend time in Kennedy, Bartlett and Victoria, Texas. In 1975, Roy and family moved to Taylor, Texas where he became the Exxon Consignee. In 1980 he formed R. Rogers Oil, Inc. which became a well respected family establishment throughout the community. With the help of his family, together they ran the Exxon wholesale and retail for Williamson and surrounding counties. After 20 years of hard-work and dedication, Roy and Pat decided to retire and sell the business. He was dedicated to and served in multiple capacities in the Taylor Rotary Club during his 40+ years of service. Roy was a kind, trustworthy and honest man that never had a crossword with anyone. While he was a man of few words, when he did speak, he spoke words of wisdom and encouragement, while always sneaking in a hint of humor. Roy was a loving husband, brother, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather. He had a love for the outdoors and spent many of his days hunting and fishing with his sons and friends. Along with the love of his family, he loved to dance the night away with Pat and his other “sweethearts” to classic country music. He never missed the opportunity to eat dessert after each meal, was always drawing the lucky hand when it came to cards and dominoes and never missed the opportunity to root on his grandchildren at all events. 

He is preceded in death by his parents, Cleo and Bessie Rogers, sister Maureen Burris, wife Patricia Rogers, daughter Royanne Rogers Rollins, and niece Donna Land.

Roy is survived by his sister, Sudie and Corky Halpin from Pleasanton, Texas, his brother Mark Rogers from Poteet, Texas, his sister-in-law Peggy Busby and DeeDee Lubow from Lakeway, Texas; children, Brett and Wendi Rogers from Holland, Texas, Trey and Kate Rogers from San Antonio, Texas, Trisha and Bobby Copeland from Taylor, Texas; grandchildren, Kaci and Jerod Rosipal, Kodi Copeland, Kayla Rogers, Jackson and Carson Rogers; great-granddaughter, Ramsie Rosipal and numerous nieces and nephews. 

Visitation will be held at Providence Funeral Home at 807 Carlos G Parker Blvd in Taylor, Texas on Tuesday July 21 from 5-7pm. The funeral will be held at Providence Funeral home on July 22 at 10am. Following the graveside services a luncheon will be hosted at the Fireman Hall located at 701 Carlos G. Parker Blvd. NW, Taylor, Texas.  Those wishing to make a memorial gift in lieu of flowers may do so by donating to First United Methodist Church of Taylor, Texas and Taylor Rotary Club. 

The family wishes to express sincere gratitude to the caregivers and therapists of Park Place Nursing Home and S.P.J.S.T Nursing Home.

First In-Person Worship

First In-Person Worship
Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:30 a.m.
As we gather for our first in-person worship tomorrow, please be aware of several changes found in our newsletter and listed below. Main things to remember: 1. We’re opening for worship only at 10:30 a.m. No Sunday School, Choir or Nursery. 2. Please keep social distancing. No hugs or handshakes. 3. Please wear a mask. 4. Please enter through red doors only facing Lake Drive. 5. High-risk individuals as defined by CDC are encouraged to continue worshipping online. 6. Individuals feeling ill are encouraged to worship online. 7. Ushers will direct you to your seat. There will be limited seating. 
If you do not feel it is safe for you to be out in a public setting, including worship, please continue to worship online. 
Thank you for your cooperation and love your church community and neighbors. 
  1. Opening for Sunday Worship Service only.
  2. No Sunday School.
  3. No Choir.
  4. No Nursery.
  5. Adhere to proper social distancing practices by keeping at least 6 ft. between you and people outside your household. Additionally, keep at least 16 ft between people if singing is involved.
  6. Wear a face mask before entering the church building. If you do not have a mask, the church may provide one for you. Please keep mask on if the covering does not impair your ability to carry out your duties or if it severely impairs your breathing.
  7. Frequently disinfect the facility and cleaning of surfaces in common areas including restrooms, pews, chairs, doorknobs, etc.
  8. Encouraging high-risk individuals, as defined by the CDC, to remain at home and continue worshipping online.
  9. Encouraging individuals exhibiting symptoms of the corona virus to stay at home and worship online.
  10. Encouraging individuals who are feeling sick to stay at home and worship online.
  11. The red doors, at the front of the church, will be the only doors open at this time.
  12. The kitchen area and education wing will be closed.
  13. Door greeters/ushers will open doors and will be wearing masks and gloves. They will hand out disposable bulletins that may be taken with you or thrown in the recycling bin located in the Narthex upon leaving the sanctuary.
  14. Hand sanitizer will be available for your use.
  15. Every other 2 pews will be taped up for social distancing. Limited seating. 
  16. There will be offering stations at the back of the sanctuary for you to place your offering upon entering or leaving.
  17. Attendance will be taken by the ushers. 
  18. Attempts will be made to shorten the worship service.
These guidelines are subject to change. 6/24/20

Leroy Olbrich Services

Leroy O. Olbrich
July 27, 1934 – June 24, 2020 

Here are the service arrangements for Leroy:

Sunday, June 28, 2020
2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Condra Funeral Home
503 Talbot Street, Taylor, Texas 76574
Click here for the Obituary.

Funeral Service
Monday, June 29, 2020
10:00 A.M.
Condra Funeral Home
503 Talbot Street, Taylor, Texas 76574

Burial Service
Monday, June 29, 2020
Immediately following the Funeral Service
Thorndale City Cemetery

Family Luncheon
Monday, June 29, 2020
Immediately following the Burial Service 
First United Methodist Church
907 West Lake Drive, Taylor, Texas 76574

Continued prayers for Charlene, Jeff, family and friends. 

God, assure us that not even death can separate us from your infinite mercy. Deal graciously with us who mourn, that we may truly know your sure consolation and learn to live in confident hope of the resurrection; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tyler Cobb Services

Tyler Dennis Cobb
January 14, 2005 – May 16, 2020 

Here are the service arrangements for Tyler:

Thursday, May 21, 2020
5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Providence Funeral Home
807 Carlos Parker Blvd., NW, Taylor, Texas 76574
Obituary https://www.taylorprovidencefuneralhome.com/obituary/tyler-cobb

Memorial Service
Saturday, May 23, 2020
11:00 A.M.
Taylor High School Football Field
355 FM 973, Taylor, Texas 76574

Memorial Tree Ceremony
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Immediately following the Memorial Service 
First United Methodist Church
907 West Lake Drive, Taylor, Texas 76574

Finger food and water will be available outside at First United Methodist Church after the tree ceremony. Please contact Marsha Beckermann or the church office for more information. 

A memorial fund in the name of Tyler Cobb has been setup at City National Bank. 
Make checks payable to Tyler Cobb Memorial Fund and either drop-off or send to P.O. Box 1099, Taylor, Texas 76574. 

As we grieve individually and collectively as a family and community, be reminded that God is here and grieves with us. “The Lord heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power, whose understanding is beyond measure.” Psalm 147:3, 5

Tyler Cobb

Tyler Cobb

Dear First United Methodist Church,

It is with deep deep sadness that I inform you that one of our youth, Tyler Cobb along with his friend Jace Gill, died today, May 16, 2020, in a side-by-side (SxS or UTV) accident. 

My heart hurts just writing this email to you. My prayers are for Shelli, Brian, Clayton and Conner. 

We pray that God upholds us now as we entrust Tyler to God’s eternal care. Assure us God that not even death can separate us from your infinite love and mercy. 

Services are pending. I will inform you as soon as it is available. 

Please keep the Cobb family in your prayers. Please also keep the Gill family in your prayers. 

May the love and peace of God surround these families and yours today and forevermore. 

Thank you God for gifting Tyler to us for 15 years. 

Rev. Sela Finau

Holy Communion


Holy Communion

Dear Friends,

Blessings to you on this Holy Monday!

I want to let you know that we will be celebrating Holy Communion this week online on Maundy Thursday, 4/9, at 7 p.m.  and Easter Sunday, 4/12, at 10:30 a.m. Though we are not able to physically gather, the virtual presence of Christ will be with us. I have ordered and received individual communion wafer and juice sets. You are invited and welcome to receive these individual communion sets beforehand in preparation for our online worship services. I will list below the times you can pick them up. 

If you are unable to pick them up or prefer not to, you are invited to prepare your own elements by getting bread and juice before hand. Something to remember is that you can make your living space into a sanctuary, and to set your table knowing that Jesus will be joining you. 

I will consecrate the individual elements before you pick them up. I will also virtually consecrate elements that you are preparing during our worship services.

I will be the only one handling these communion sets. I ask that you let me know the time that you will come to church and how many communion packets you need. Please either respond to this email or send a text to 817-874-3533. Please also call/text when you arrive. This way, I will have the packets ready to place on a table outside in the SE parking lot by the fellowship hall. Only one family communion set at a time will be placed outside. I will disinfect the table after each family picks up their set. Gluten free elements are also available. Please indicate whether you would like to receive the gluten free elements. 

Times available for pickup are:

Tuesday, 4/7/20, 12-6p.m.
Wednesday, 4/8/20, 12-5p.m. 

For pickup any other times or if you prefer not to get out and would like it delivered, please let me know by responding to this email, or text/call 817-874-3533.

God’s Blessings to you on this Holy Week!

Pastor Sela

A Guide to Stay Connected!

A guide to help you stay connected with your church.
If you have questions, please ask.